Friday, January 15, 2016

The MEM is Back

Story Time!

All throughout elementary and middle school, I had the same group of friends.  We always had the same classes and we lived near each other.  And I loved my friends.  The problem was that I didn't have a "best" friend... and everyone else did.  Everyone liked me, of course, but they all had someone else that they were closest to.  When the teacher asked us to pair up, A always went with B, C always went with D, and Melissa E was always stuck by herself.

Now listen, this is not a Sob Story.  I was NOT a lonely kid.  I had lots of friends, and they all loved me.  But there's a big difference between having a lot of friends and having one close friend.  A "best" friend.  Someone you could tell all your secrets to; someone you could call in the middle of the night if you needed them; someone who would be there for you forever.

So when my group of friends all went off to the same high school, I made the drastic decision to go to a different school, far away, where I would essentially know no one.  I had one goal: make a best friend.

Mission accomplished!  This, dear readers, is the lovely and super-intelligent Emily.  Emily is much smarter than me and much busier than me and is pretty much always studying so she can become an even smarter and busier doctor... so I don't get to see her much anymore.

Tonight, we actually got to hang out!  Coloring Party 2.0, since she missed the first one.  And instead of Disney movies, we honored David Bowie with some Labyrinth action.  Love you, Boon!

Reckless Tip of the Day: Don't be afriad to break away from your Comfort Zone.
It may be the best thing you ever did...

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