Saturday, January 9, 2016

Gus Gus: My Anti-Drug

Meet Gus Gus.  My anti-drug... literally.  When I get anxious or depressed, my lovely Max brings out The Gus and the panic pills stay in the cabinet.  It's a great system, actually.

This particular moment, I wasn't anxious, but I did have long day.  (Training Day #1 to become an English teacher at inlingua!)  Max took out The Gus and put him up against his chin.  It may look like Gus Gus hates his life right now, but I assure you he was purring like crazy!  That is one happy pig in this picture.

Reckless Tip of the Day: Find your anti-drug!
What puts those depression/anxiety pills back in the medicine cabinet?
Figure it out and hold on to it for dear life!

PS Since I get asked often, Gus was originally named after Augustus Waters in The Fault in Our Stars--see the poster in the background?   The nickname Gus Gus is, of course, from the fat mouse in Cinderella.  Books and Disney movies.  You can't get better namesakes than that.  :)

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