Sunday, January 17, 2016

Great Scott! I've Seen Them!

October 21, 2015 was a big day in America... for just about everyone but me.  I had seen the first Back to the future but never the rest of the series, so I just went about my day.

Needless to say, this lack of Back to the Future knowlegde was unacceptable to many of my friends, so it was only a matter of time before I had to sit down and watch them.  So when my friends Jess and Joseph invited me over for a Random Hang Out And Do Nothing Day, a Back to the Future marathon seemed appropriate.

And here's my review:
There are a lot of things that I really like about these movies.
1. Michael J. Fox AND Christopher Lloyd?  Um, yes please.
2. Goofy humor--right up my alley
3. And I LOVE how they put in little details in the background that nobody points out or draws attention to.  You have to watch more than once and really pay attention to get the most out of these films.

That being said, even though I love fantasy and sci-fi, I have always had an issue with time travel.  Witches and wizards?  Sure.  Dragons and elves and magic?  Fine.  Time travel?  Nope.  Completely implausible to me.  I just can't wrap my head around it.  For me, J. K. Rowling does it best: if you have gone back in time, it has already happened.  No alternate universes or timelines.  But, then again, I'm overanalyzing.

Reckless Tip of the Day: Suspend your disbelief and enjoy the movie!


  1. I agree on time travel. Totally agree.

  2. So you don't really like the time turner then, huh? Me either, I am with you. They are fun movies though.

    1. How the time turner works is actually most plausible to me...
