Thursday, January 6, 2011

Purrfect 10 (Haha! Get it? It's a pun.)

Meet M.J.
He is a cat.
I don't like cats.
But he's growing on me...

I'm still not sure how I feel about this.

Anyway, today my dad and I finally put away all the Christmas stuff and rearranged the living room a little bit. In doing so, I found one of M. J.'s toys hiding behind the couch--AKA fuzzy yellow thing on a stick.  So tonight we were playing with him with it.

And he did a backflip.

M. J. earned a little respect from the Resident Dog Person tonight.  Congrats, cat.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't puns great?

    By the way, we should definitely go back to bartering. I watched an episode of The Colbert Report today, and he was talking about the gold standard vs. the dollar bill. Your other post made me think of it because he "barters" for Starbucks coffee with an intern. Good stuff...the guy's freakin' hilarious.
