Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Love Story: Part 1

"Love patiently accepts all things.  It always trusts, always hopes, and always remains strong."
1 Corinthians 13:7

A Love Story
by amoutoujou

Once upon a time, a young woman fell in love.  No, not with a boy.  With a little country named Haiti.  She didn't really know why.  She had never been there.  She didn't know anyone from there.  It just kind of happened.

Sometimes, people just fall in love.

After about a year, she finally got the opportunity to visit Haiti.  She stayed for a week learning about their culture, their language, their people.  From the moment she returned home, she wished to go back.  So she applied for a summer internship at the mission site she had stayed at.  If she was accepted, she would be in the country she loved for three months.

The young woman waited for months and months to find out if she would be able to go that summer.  She checked her email twenty times a day.  Until finally the day she was supposed to find out came and went.  Still no email.

So she waited.

To be continued...

Reckless Tip of the Day: Love someone you don't know.

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