Sunday, January 23, 2011

You can't rush art.

An Estimated Timeline of Procrastination and Excuses

December 8: I need to get Friend a Christmas present!
December 15: Hey, look at this cool newspaper frame I found at the Hippy Store at the mall!  Friend likes newspapers and photography.  I bet I could make her one!
December 16: Huh... we don't get the newspaper at our house...
December 17: Really?  There's not a newspaper in this entire house?
December 28: Okay, I give.  Maybe I can wait until school gets back in and use a school paper!
January 3: Alright.  I've got a frame and some glue... now for a newspaper.
January 22: Ack!  A newspaper!  The Holy Grail!  The Fountain of Youth!  The Light at the End of the Tunnel!
January 23: Yay!  I'm finished.  Better late than never!

Merry Belated Christmas, Friend.

Reckless Tip of the Day: Make someone a gift.  Even if you're not artsy.  Even if it ends up looking like crap.  It will be crap from the heart.  <3

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