Friday, February 4, 2011

Looks can be deceiving ...

I would love to say that the focal point of this picture is the mounds of homework piled everywhere.  And how I was so productive and got a bunch of stuff done!  And how I spent the rest of the weekend relaxing!

But actually, they're are two important parts of today's picture and they don't have to do with productivity:
1) This is not my room.  This is my friend's room.  While fish-sitting Disco for her, I'm going to spend the weekend here.  Moral of the story: my own room for a whole weekend.  Bliss.

2) Computer = Skype.  'Nuff said.

RTD: Put off homework for people you love.  Every once and awhile.

Disclaimer: I have noticed that many of my Reckless Tips of the Day seem irresponsible.  That's the point. : D

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