Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Common sense is not so common anymore." -Patrick

^This is called teaching without a textbook.^

There was a sub in field studies, so I basically taught all day long.  Cool.  The math lesson was on measuring inches with rulars.  They were supposed to use their rulars to measure the pictures in their workbooks...

Why measure a picture of a pencil when you can just measure a REAL pencil?  Hello!

Yeah.  Not gonna happen.  So while they were at PE, I gathered up a bunch of random stuff around the classroom and put it on a table.  They had to pick four small things and one big thing to measure.  It sounds like it'd be chaotic, but they actually did very well.  I have never been so proud of a class that wasn't mine.  :)

Reckless Tip of the Day: Break away from the norm!  Make something your own.

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