Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A dangerous place for my wallet...

Books and ice cream?  Yes, please.

I usually consider myself pretty frugal.  However, there are two things in this world I will splurge on:
books and ice cream.

Which is why it's a flippin' miracle I made it through today without spending a cent.
*bows* Yes, thank you.  Hold the applause.

Either way, it was super fun.  Hanging out in a bookstore with a friend I don't see very often--talking about books we've read or haven't read yet.  And then: Yogurt Mountain.  Okay, technically it's frozen yogurt, but hey, I'm not picky.

Long story short, I spent an ideal night out with a friend, and my wallet doesn't even hate me now!

Project Get Melissa Out Of Her Room And Have Some Fun was a complete success.

Reckless Tip of the Day: Eat ice cream.  You won't regret it.

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