Sunday, December 12, 2010

Slice n' Dice

Green card: Edgy
Winning red card: Slice n' Dice

Get it?  Ha! Ha. Ha... Okay, so you have to have the same sense of humor as my CBF (college best friend) and me.  (PS She's the hot redhead.)

Anyway... welcome to the Flapjack Fling!  (No one really calls them "flapjacks," but we appreciate the alliteration anyway.)  FSC's semesterly pre-finals party.  AKA: Stop studying and eat pancakes!  So my fantastic friends and I created this tradition of playing Apples To Apples during the fiesta.  Awesomely bad karaoke, deliciously free pancakes, hilariously witty game.  Can't.  Go.  Wrong.

Trump cards of the night:
Helen Keller (Duh.)
Pez despensers
Harry Potter

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