Monday, December 6, 2010

My Winter Wardrobe

Thank you, Mother Earth, for giving us a taste of some real winter.  It's finally time to break out my winter clothes: toe socks.  And for you unbelievers who say toe socks don't match with anything, I'd like to direct your attention to my fabulous orange matching sweatshirt and lovely matching silly band accessories.

And because I know you are all wondering:
pink: women's restroom sign
blurple: hippopotamus
yellow: jack-o-lanturn
green: Frankenstein

Special shout-out for today:
Miranda: What a fashion faux pas!  Wearing socks with sandles!
Me: Not if they're toe socks!  Perfectly legal.
Miranda: Ah, true.

Me: However, wearing this red jacket with my orange sweater... that's a faux pas.
Miranda: Also true.  Although Velma wore red with orange, so you're okay.


  1. They are some crazy shocks you have! At least they keep you warm lol.

  2. Thanks! They are my favs. :)
