Saturday, December 25, 2010

The meatball has spoken!

So I got a Magic Meatball for Christmas.  He would answer any question we asked with amazing accuracy.
"Meatball, is Pluto still a planet?"
"The meatball says no!"
"But in your opinion, it's a planet, right?"
"The meatball says yes."

We literally played with the Meatball until the batteries wore out.  I almost cried.  Don't judge me.

Here are some other great things about my Christmas:
1) Teasing my Abuela about only putting "To ____ with love" on some of the presents, but not all of them.
"This one is 'To Melissa... no love!'"
"Aww!  What the heck, Bueli?"
"This one is... 'To Nicole, all my love.'"
*all cousins jump up in outrage that all her love went to Nicole*

2) Seeing my boyfriend and his sister, even only for a few hours.  They got to enjoy The White Elephant gift exchange with us!  (White Elephant = Chinese gift exchange with gifts $5 or under.)

3) Playing Quelf with my cousins....  Enough said.

4) Celebrating the fact that God came down to Earth to save us from ourselves.

My favorite Christmas song for you:
I Celebrate the Day by Relient K

And with this Christmas wish is missed
the point I could convey.
If only I could find the words to say

to let You know how much You've touched my life.
Because here is where You're finding me,

in the exact same place as New Year's Eve,
and from a lack of my persistency
we're less than half as close as I want to be.

And the first time that You opened Your eyes

did You realize that You would be my Savior?
And the first breath that left Your lips
did You know that it would change this world forever?

And so this Christmas I'll compare

the things I felt in prior years
to what this midnight made so clear
that You have come to meet me here.

To look back and think that
this baby would one day save me.
In the hope that what You did
that you were born so I might really live.
To look back and think that
This baby would one day save me.

And I, I celebrate the day
that You were born to die,
so I could one day pray for You to save my life.

"Meatball, should everyone have a merry Christmas and remember what it is truly about?"

"The meatball says yes!"

The meatball has spoken!

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