Saturday, March 5, 2011


This, my blog-reading friends, is no normal morning.

Today, my lovely Mommy took a very big step.  Notice the two different jugs of milk?  In making Cream of Wheat this morning, my very brave mother used both kinds of milk.  Yes, you read that correctly.  She mixed milk.

Now this may seem perfectly natural to some of you.  If you run out of one jug of milk, you finish up with another.  However this is something my mom never does.

Kind of like how when I listen to the radio, the volume has to be on a multiple of five or an even number, but not an even number next to a multiple of five.  (i.e. 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, etc.)

That's not weird, right?



Anyway, my Mommy faced her fears today and mixed milk.  I was very proud of her.

(Not proud enough to put the radio volume on 7, but proud all the same.)

However, this was just the beginning of our mother/daughter bonding day.  The Mixed-Milk Cream of Wheat was followed by a shopping trip--including a very important stop at a soon-to-be-closed Borders.  You know what that means?  Cheap.  Books.

Good stuff.

Reckless Tips of the Day:

  1. Mix milk.
  2. Turn the volume to a weird number.
  3. Enter a closing bookstore.
  4. Hang out with your Mommy.

1 comment:

  1. Heh. My mommy is about 4,000 miles away. But hanging out with mine is on my to-do list. :-)

    -Barb the French Bean
