Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's feeling a little bit more real each day...

Adoration: praising God with everything you have

Confession: recognizing that you are not perfect and ask for God's forgiveness

Thanksgiving: thanking God for everything He has giving us

Supplication: praying for others

I talked at all three services today about my trip to Haiti last year and this coming summer.

Good Parts:

  1. getting to talk about Haiti
  2. sharing my passion with my church family

Not-So-Good Parts:

  1. having to wake up way too early
  2. watching my mom cry... again

Reckless tip of the Day: Share your passions with others!

"Worship: to focus all your energy on God." -elementary school camper

Saturday, March 5, 2011


This, my blog-reading friends, is no normal morning.

Today, my lovely Mommy took a very big step.  Notice the two different jugs of milk?  In making Cream of Wheat this morning, my very brave mother used both kinds of milk.  Yes, you read that correctly.  She mixed milk.

Now this may seem perfectly natural to some of you.  If you run out of one jug of milk, you finish up with another.  However this is something my mom never does.

Kind of like how when I listen to the radio, the volume has to be on a multiple of five or an even number, but not an even number next to a multiple of five.  (i.e. 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, etc.)

That's not weird, right?



Anyway, my Mommy faced her fears today and mixed milk.  I was very proud of her.

(Not proud enough to put the radio volume on 7, but proud all the same.)

However, this was just the beginning of our mother/daughter bonding day.  The Mixed-Milk Cream of Wheat was followed by a shopping trip--including a very important stop at a soon-to-be-closed Borders.  You know what that means?  Cheap.  Books.

Good stuff.

Reckless Tips of the Day:

  1. Mix milk.
  2. Turn the volume to a weird number.
  3. Enter a closing bookstore.
  4. Hang out with your Mommy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Be Jealous, Muggles.

So the Three Stooges Musketeers head to Harry Potter World.


Because we're awesome.

Magical Things We Did:

  • fly on brooms through the castle
  • visit Ollivander's
  • ride a dragon
Magical Things We Ate/Drank:

  • Butterbeer
  • Cauldron Cakes
  • Pumpkin Juice

Magical Things We Said

  • "Floo Powder Powder!  Floo Powder Powder!"
  • "Ten Points to Dumbledore!"
  • "Dang it!  I left my wand in the car."

Reckless Tip of the Day: Ride a rollar coaster, even if it seems scary.
                                      (Or just ride the dinosaur ride.  Because let's face it: that's way scarier than a rollar
                                       coaster... I mean, not for me... but for some people...)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Art of Recklessness

In honor of my return to recklessness, a very special artist has recreated my faux-tat.  (See above.)

In other news, I got to spend an entire day hanging out with said artist.  If you don't have your own personal artist, I highly recommend them.  Good ones aren't easy to find, but they're well worth the search.

Reckless Tip of the Day: Write a song.  (If you need help, find yourself and artist.  See above.)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Boring Blog 5: The Day of Errands

Si yo pudiera...

I would be done with my Week of Boringness.

And alas!  I am.

Today: library, bank, homework
Tomorrow: FUN!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Boring Blog 4: The Day of the Official Deposit

This is where I will be spending my summer.

The beautiful country of Haiti.

And today it's official because I paid my deposit.